The backstory and ongoing drama of the film, The Insatiable Moon, by screenwriter and producer Mike Riddell. For the whole nine yards, you need to start at the bottom and read backwards...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dining Out

Updating from Hong Kong on my way back to NZ. Yesterday was something of a gathering of the clan. First up it was a get-together over lunch near the National Theatre, which involved Rawiri Paratene, Pip, Rob and moi. Ra is looking good and clearly enjoying life in London. It was good news to clarify his availability for a November shoot, though it's a narrow window of opportunity as after that he's unavailable again. He remains as committed as he always has been to the film. We discussed such vital issues as the speed of growth of his facial hair :-)

Later on we trekked across to Soho to meet up with Gillies Mackinnon. We were joined by David Ball, Welsh producer, and David Cawley who will come out to NZ to camera assist. We had a good dinner at a funky little Indonesian place (Nusa Dua, see above) suggested by Gillies. Once again we needed to nut out schedules, this time with our director. It was tight, but we believe we can fit in preproduction for the November shoot. We also clarified who he wants to bring out with him (DOP, editor) for the shoot.

But mostly we just enjoyed hanging out together and swapping stories. Later on a few of us, including Gillies and Ra, retired to a cellar bar where we carried on the banter over a few more drinks. All in all a bloody good time, and a high note on which to end my short UK sortie. We raised the odd glass to the making of the film.

Next time I see them all will be for preproduction in Auckland...

Monday, May 25, 2009


Had an unexpected sidebar to my time in London when the opportunity arose to attend a football game. The friends I'm staying with in Holloway had access to a spare season ticket for Arsenal. The game, in the spectacular Emirates Stadium just 5 minutes walk from their house, was against Stoke.

It turned out to be a festival outing, with Arsenal winning 4-1 in gorgeous sunny weather. A great experience to hear 60,000 footy fans in full voice. The Brits do take it all very seriously.

Later on it was dinner sitting outside around a fire pit, in the mild evening. Having food and wine with good friends - it doesn't get much better than that.

Today is a bank holiday Monday over here, so no chance for meetings. Tomorrow it's Rawiri Paratene at lunchtime, and then Gillies Mackinnon in the evening - looking forward to it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

From Brum

Good meeting yesterday with one of the execs from Screen West Midlands. He remains an enthusiastic supporter of the film, and has been of great help in promoting it. We talked through the various scenarios of how we might proceed in the next few months.

Later on I attended the UK premiere of a film which had been shot in Birmingham and was partly financed through Screen West Midlands, Tormented. It was a comedy horror teenage high school splatter zombie film. Not my cup of tea, but no doubt there's an audience for this sort of thing. Good to see something shot on Red which blew up nicely on screen.

Another round of discussions tonight to sort out some more details before heading off down to London. It's worked out to be the ideal time to be over here in terms of the development of Moon. Working toward making critical decisions which will affect the work I need to be doing for the next few months.

Friday, May 22, 2009

UK Partners

Well here I am in Birmingham, sitting in the office of Blue Hippo Media, our UK coproducers. The trip over wasn't too bad, though took about 36 hours to complete. Managed to stay upright and had a good sleep last night. Fortunately I'm remarkably free of jet lag and straight down to work.

We completed a detailed rejigging of our finance plans yesterday, and spent this morning working out an action plan for the next few months. Pip has had a productive few days in Cannes, and the general feeling remains one of optimism. Meeting with Screen West Midlands this arvo, who in turn met with NZFC in Cannes.

A lot more planning to be done yet, including a comprehensive timeline. Meanwhile, I'm off to the pub for something to eat...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Moon Rising

One of the flow-on effects from the recent investors meeting has been a buzz of people thinking of ways in which they may be able to help, including putting us in touch with other potential investors. Great to have this level of support and enthusiasm.

Things are hotting up as we push toward securing a sales agent for the project. And of course the usual razzmatazz associated with Cannes, which usually produces more hot air than substance. Still, the prospects for Moon are brightening steadily.

I begin the long trek north this morning - albeit with a day in Auckland before flying out tomorrow. The blog may be interrupted for a few days as I burn the time zones, but will resume in a jet-lagged fashion once I reach the UK. Until then...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

England Bound

Bit of a mad rush getting ready for heading over to the UK. The first part staying up in Birmingham with our UK producers Pip & Rob. A lot to sort out including copro applications, tweaking budget and schedule, script issues, finance plans, sales agents etc. Also a script session on another project that I'm co-writing with my UK friend Dom. Then down to London where we meet up with Rawiri Paratene, who's currently acting in Romeo and Juliet at the Globe.

Next up is a meet with Gillies the director, sorting out plans for preproduction and talking through some of the details. There may be the odd drink along the way, and I'm also catching up with friends in London.

Meanwhile Pip is off to Cannes tomorrow for a couple of whirlwind days meeting sales agents etc. Since the meeting (here) on Thursday night, there's a real sense of momentum building. The mojo flows...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bring It On

A cracking good night last night with potential investors, friends and associated gate-crashers! The odd glass of bubbly put us in the right frame of mind for an overview of the movie, kicked off by veteran producer Tim Sanders, double BAFTA winner. He compared Moon to Whale Rider which he produced, and talked up the international prospects of our film.

Then it was over to moi to run through a sampler of Gillies Mackinnon's directorial work, the DVD promo for Moon and a powerpoint presentation of the way the film and its financing is to be structured. After a time of questions, we gave opportunity for people to register their investment interest. We received indications for about $250k, which is half way there.

A good result given that we've still got quite a few months to go to get the target. Perhaps more important was the huge sense of encouragement coming from the 50 or so gathered there as they caught the vision and excitement of the project. Afterwards we ducked out to a very good Italian restaurant with friends for a celebratory meal.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tonight's the Night...

One hour of presentation; $500k to raise - simple. Yes, tonight we go to the private equity investors, for a night of razzle-dazzle and entertainment. The champenoise is chilled, the artwork done, the venue sorted, the powerpoint prepared, the invites issued.

It's not the most auspicious time to be raising money, as many people have told us. But why do things the easy way? Nothing about this project has been easy, but it's still alive after seven years. I'm a great believer in pursuing the impossible. It's worked for me in the past.

And this is a film about madness - what could be more mad than wanting to make an international feature about a Ponsonby psych patient?

In case anyone missed it, 6.00pm tonight (Thursday 14th) at Ponsonby Baptist Church Hall, 43 Jervois Rd, Ponsonby. All welcome.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Onward and Upward

By all accounts the meeting between Gillies and the NZ Film Commission went well last night. There are no reports of fisticuffs or injuries. This is a positive step toward the relationship building and mutual trust necessary to working together. One more small but significant step in the long march.

And the other bit of good news is that we now have confirmation from our four lead cast of their availability for a November shoot. It's always a bit of a lottery as to whether their schedules will fit with our dates, so this is a bit of a boost. Of course it only applies right now, and everything subject to the wheeling-dealing which is yet to come. But you have to celebrate each little bit of progress.

Meanwhile, it's head down bum up for me getting ready for the public meeting about the film which will take place on Thursday. We're looking for two things from this - some people to come on as equity investors, but also building a sense of community support for the project.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Spare a thought for the upcoming meeting between director Gillies Mackinnon and CEO of the NZ Film Commission in London. The main agenda is for Graeme Mason (NZFC) to get some idea of Gillies' commitment to the project and take on the material - how he plans to work with it.

Gillies, being Glaswegian, is not a man to mince words. I suspect he'll have his own agenda, which will be to ask why a NZ film is not getting more support from NZ! And it is true that most of the action and commitment has come from people in the UK.

So the potential for meeting to become 'interesting' shall we say, is strong. And yet it represents that difficult interface which is a part of most indie films - the encounter between the artistic and the commercial. It's an uneasy alliance, and yet both parties are necessary to the success of a film.

Just one more set of rocks to be avoided as we navigate our way into the harbour... The meeting BTW, is for 9.30am Monday UK time (8.30pm NZ).

Friday, May 8, 2009

Round and Round

Plenty of back and forth at the moment as the pre-Cannes period hots up. More of the good old chicken and egg stuff, with all parties wanting to know what everyone else is doing before they commit.

We're busy checking availability of principal cast. We have letters of intent from them all, subject to the usual budget and schedule considerations. Funders want us to lock the cast before they go further. But of course we can't lock the cast until we're sure what our budget is going to be.

And every time someone else reads the script, they have another set of ideas. As a writer as well as a producer, I end up in my besetting bad habit of seeing the merit of these entirely contradictory notes. The story is either too big or too small, too spiritual or not magic enough, too tragic or too humorous. And yet the writer (in conjunction with the creative team) holds responsibility for hanging on to the vision which inspired it all.

Kind of like trying to keep clean in a sewage pond. Not that I'm complaining. It's just the real life nitty-gritty of getting a film up. Bring it on.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mad As

Currently completing an application form for a small amount of funding from a trust which dispenses money for mental health projects. And yesterday I began discussions with a national organisation which helps to destigmatise mental illness.

The Insatiable Moon is a story, not a 'message' film, thank God. But it is set in the context of the attempt to integrate psychiatric patients into the community - a situation which is common to the whole of the Western world. The hero of our story is, after all, classified as a psychiatric patient.

I've been fascinated by 'madness' ever since I worked among the psychiatric community back in the 80s. I was intrigued by the spirituality of the people, the directness of conversation which transgressed notions of 'politeness', and the mutual nurturing that went on among survivors. To be honest, I also enjoyed what is commonly labelled as madness. It has a fascination and aliveness about it.

Director Akira Kurosawa has said "In a mad world, only the mad are sane". If ever there was a mad world, it is the one we have inherited. Moon explores this territory where notions of sanity are inverted.

Monday, May 4, 2009


We're hovering on the edge of a breakthrough in getting the film financed. Last week Screen West Midlands firmed up their commitment and increased it significantly - of course conditional on the rest of the finance coming together. And they're helping to secure a sales agent, who will not only represent the film but give us sales estimates which are required by our potential finance partners.

Meanwhile the NZ Film Commission is considering whether their sales arm might wish to represent the film - should hear back about this today. Of course things get busy around this time of the year, with Cannes about to start in little less than a week.

One of the UK producers will be heading over to Cannes to represent the film there. I'll be in Europe during the festival, but after last year's time in Cannes, couldn't face it again this year. Meanwhile, the paper war continues...

Friday, May 1, 2009


The tasks of a writer/producer are many and varied. I started the week doing some rewrites on one character in Moon. Then moved on to discussions over another (UK) project called American Direct which I am co-writing. In the process helped to prepare a two-page pitch for it.

Meanwhile preparation for the public meeting about Moon (14 May) continues. I've been designing artwork and getting it off to the printer in readiness for the night. I've also been editing up a showreel of director Gillies Mackinnon's work to show to the punters.

In the midst of all that there have been continuing negotiations with the NZ Film Commission on various aspects of the project - I managed to tee up a meeting between the new CEO Graeme Mason and our director when Graeme is in London in the next week. And then there's the massive task of assembling documentation. This week it has been doing chain of title and assembling letters of intent from key cast.

No time for slacking off as the push towards November continues...