The backstory and ongoing drama of the film, The Insatiable Moon, by screenwriter and producer Mike Riddell. For the whole nine yards, you need to start at the bottom and read backwards...

Friday, May 1, 2009


The tasks of a writer/producer are many and varied. I started the week doing some rewrites on one character in Moon. Then moved on to discussions over another (UK) project called American Direct which I am co-writing. In the process helped to prepare a two-page pitch for it.

Meanwhile preparation for the public meeting about Moon (14 May) continues. I've been designing artwork and getting it off to the printer in readiness for the night. I've also been editing up a showreel of director Gillies Mackinnon's work to show to the punters.

In the midst of all that there have been continuing negotiations with the NZ Film Commission on various aspects of the project - I managed to tee up a meeting between the new CEO Graeme Mason and our director when Graeme is in London in the next week. And then there's the massive task of assembling documentation. This week it has been doing chain of title and assembling letters of intent from key cast.

No time for slacking off as the push towards November continues...


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