The backstory and ongoing drama of the film, The Insatiable Moon, by screenwriter and producer Mike Riddell. For the whole nine yards, you need to start at the bottom and read backwards...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Ticking Clock

Those avid followers of the episodic serial 'The Interminable Moon' will know that things have hotted up as tension builds with a countdown. The plot thus far has the production funding application to NZFC ruled out on a technicality. In an act of heroic stupidity, our protagonist producer (moi) manages to negotiate an extension until 5.00pm Monday 3rd August, by which time a signed-up distribution deal needs to be produced.

Emails and papers are flying in all directions. The deadline looms. Our heroes dig deep as they face the challenge. In a meeting in a secret cafe yesterday, deals are talked, figures debated, but no money changes hands. The gallant distributor offers us terms. But he is off to southern pastures over the weekend. Can he get his ducks lined up, and the deal documentation produced in time for the deadline? Will the application make it to the Board? Will the Board be convinced enough to make an offer? Will this blog and its author self-destruct in ten seconds? Stay tuned, folks, for the thrilling outcome.

The clock is ticking...


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