The backstory and ongoing drama of the film, The Insatiable Moon, by screenwriter and producer Mike Riddell. For the whole nine yards, you need to start at the bottom and read backwards...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day Eight

The sun is shining, and the film is too. Yesterday we had one of the most satisfying days so far on set. It's great to be settled in one location for an extended period of time. The actors are brilliant and having a lot of fun, and there's a good atmosphere all round.

I'm loving having a number of the actual boarding house residents still round while we shoot. It grounds the whole film in reality. We're slowly getting to know some of them, and a few have found their way into our shots.

Last night when we watched the dailies we found that we'd captured more magic. The story is coming together and coming to life. It seems like an unfolding miracle. I'm full of gratitude to all who have been helping to bring it into reality.


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