The backstory and ongoing drama of the film, The Insatiable Moon, by screenwriter and producer Mike Riddell. For the whole nine yards, you need to start at the bottom and read backwards...

Monday, September 14, 2009


This has been a tough week for the project. Without going into details, we have had to rejig the entire production, and for a time seriously considered whether we should close it down. The producers had a two-day 'tea-break' in which to consider our options.

The result was a renewed determination to press forward, drawing on the steely resolve and creative manoeuvring that has become our trademark. The decision to press on is either madness or inspiration, and I guess only the results will demonstrate which it is.

For a time it looked like a total eclipse of the Moon. But during an eclipse, even when the sky grows dark, that which is eclipsed is still there. It's just disappeared from sight for a while. I learned a long time ago never to doubt in the dark what you saw in the light.

Very few people would have stayed on this journey as long as we have, given the obstacles which have been put in our way. But perhaps that's the test which sorts out the achievers from the tryhards.

We remain dependent on the goodwill of all those who have believed in this story and this film, and have committed with us to bring it to the screen.

The Moon shines on...


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