The backstory and ongoing drama of the film, The Insatiable Moon, by screenwriter and producer Mike Riddell. For the whole nine yards, you need to start at the bottom and read backwards...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Script Lock

Yesterday I sent out the scene numbered and locked script for preparing budgets and schedules. There's still a bit of work going on between director Gillies and me, which will involve a few tweaks further down the track. But this is a major step along the way.

In discussions with the NZ Film Commission about the possibilities of an application for production funding at their June meeting. A great deal of documentation has to be collated before we can get to that point. Deadline is mid-May, just before I head over to the UK to consult with our partners over there.

Some discussions taking place with potential distributors - interesting how the resolve to make the movie seems to attract interest.

I'm enjoying the broad mix of production tasks, though at times I forget which hat I'm wearing. But I'm a firm believer in writers learning production skills and being aware of all aspects of the filmmaking process. It helps to soften the feelings of lack of control...


  1. Hi Mike! I've been recently following your blog, and am now hooked, I have to find out what happens next in the making of your movie! It's really great to watch how it progresses for you.
    Thanks, and all the best!

  2. Hi Lyse,

    Thanks for the interest - should be an entertaining year. Looks like you've got plenty of your own projects under way - all the best with those,

